Ethnographic study of family practice residents in Hospital Vozandes Quito

Autor: Douce Marian


The researcher conducted this study to learn about the group of people who participate in a three-year Family Practice Residency with Hospital Vozandes in Quito, Ecuador. The study investigates the residents’ basic demographics, their group identity and group boundaries as well as features of their communication, educational patterns, marriage and family patterns, leadership structures and religious practices. In addition, the areas of recreational patterns, transportation practices, geographic proximity to the hospital and the residents’ influential relationship networks were studied. A relationship map, shows spheres of influence for each resident interviewed. The strongest influencer in each participant’s life was most often their parents or spouse. Within the Hospital Vozandes’ residency program, three main influencers were identified; descriptions of each showed what characteristics they had in common. There also was a strong pattern of influence noted among the residents within their own year of residency.

Palabras clave: Ethnographic study family practice Ecuador.

2013-05-06   |   540 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 22 Núm.1. Enero-Marzo 2011 Pags. 9-14 Rev Med Vozandes 2011; 22(1)