
Autor: Valdés Olmos Jhonatan Israel


Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most common structural anomaly of the development of human's forebrain, resulting from incomplete midline cleavage of the prosencephalon, associated with neurologic impairment and dysmorphism of the brain and face, due to disturbance of the delicate balance of signals required for proper separation of the cerebral hemispheres. HPE occurs rather frequently, having been observed 3 in 1:250 conceptions. Due to a high rate of fetal demise, the birth prevalence is 1:8000-10000 live births.

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2013-05-09   |   955 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.3. Septiembre-Diciembre 2012 Pags. 28-29 Ciencia UG 2012; 2(3)