
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a neurological disorder, with the degeneration of the upper and lower motor neurons. The aim is investigate the start of the symptoms, describe the findings and study the survival period of patients with ALS. We analyzed 70 patients. The patients’ average age was 49.68 years old and we found 43 patients (61.4%) who were white, 22 who were grayish brown (31.4%) and 5 who were black (7.1%). Regarding the start of the symptoms, 51 patients (72.9%) showed a distal start, 31 a proximal one (44.3%) and 8 of them (11.4%) showed a bulbar start. The survival period, after de diagnosis, was of 64.11 months. The mean age, signs and symptoms and the patients’ survival period we found, are compatible with the ones found in the literature, except for the number of black patients, that was bigger in our survey.

Palabras clave: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Characteristics Charcot’s disease Epidemiology.

2013-05-16   |   1,632 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 38 Núm.2. Diciembre 2012 Pags. 94-98 Rev Chile Neuroc 2012; 38(2)