Sleep Medicine: development, contributions and perspectives.

Report from the Mexican Taskforce on sleep medicine 

Autores: de la Llata Romero Manuel, Castorena Maldonado Armando, Corsi Cabrera María, Díaz Jidy Manuel, Haro Valencia Reyes, Jiménez Genchi Alejandro, Meza Vargas María Sonia, et al


Sleep is a basic biological process that has an impact on all the functions of the body, and interacts bidirectionally with virtually all of the body systems, so that the sleep disorders are associated with disturbances in other systems, either respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, etc., and vice versa. The complexity of the regulatory mechanisms of sleep and the variety of their disorders, together with the clinical evidence accumulated in recent decades, have led to the birth of a new branch in medicine: the Sleep Medicine, with well defined intrinsic disorders. The consequences of sleep deprivation or fragmentation induced by changes in social and work dynamics, as well as sleep disorders have harmful effects on individuals in the short and long-term, the most important are an elevated risk for vehicular and occupational accidents, cardiovascular damage, cognitive impairment, obesity, diabetes mellitus, among others, impacting individuals of all ages. The sleep clinics and laboratories in Mexico, have made significant contributions, at both the basic and clinical levels, for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders; however, without a specific health policy, we will continue to commit resources only on the attention of its effects and not on prevention, making the impact on the economy and quality of life of patients with sleep disorders, much higher than in developed countries. It is necessary to build a program of medical care to incorporate the Sleep Medicine in the priorities of medical care in the National Institutions of Health at all levels. Solutions and guides to optimize the achievement of the proposed results, and increase efficiency and effectiveness of the resources applied in this new field of Medicine are offered.

Palabras clave: Sleep disorders. Sleep Medicine. Sleep comorbidity.

2013-07-24   |   467 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 63 Núm.1. Enero-Enero 2011 Pags. 90-99 Rev Invest Clin 2011; 63(1-ENGLISH)