Changes in glucose tolerance in the elderly

Autores: Lerman Garber Israel, Rosales Calderón Mariana


Glucose tolerance declines with age, resulting in a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in the elderly population. The pathogenesis of the age-related glucose intolerance is multifactorial; it includes the interaction of many variables associated with aging, such as increased visceral adiposity, decreased physical activity, the use of diverse medications, coexisting illness and diminished insulin secretion and sensitivity. However, the age-related effect on glucose metabolism is still controversial. In Mexico, glucose intolerance is present in 15-20% of the population older than 60 years and increases the risk for developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Patients diagnosed with diabetes at an advanced age have particular characteristics; they tend to be less obese, have more £]ƒncell dysfunction and may be diagnosed in a hyperosomolar state. Lifestyle modifications are particularly effective in preventing diabetes in this age group.

Palabras clave: Glucose tolerance. Diabetes. Elderly. Carbohydrate metabolism.

2013-07-25   |   527 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 62 Núm.4. Julio-Agosto 2010 Pags. 312-317 Rev Invest Clin 2010; 62(4-ENGLISH)