Diabetes mellitus and aging as risk factors for cerebrovascular disease:

Epidemiology, physiopathology and prevention 

Autores: Cantú Brito Carlos Gerardo, Mimenza Alvarado Alberto, Sánchez Hernández Juan José


Older patients with diabetes are at high risk for vascular complications. They have a three-fold increased risk of developing a stroke compared with subjects without diabetes. In addition, up to 75-80% of deaths in diabetic patients are associated with major cardiovascular events, including stroke. The risk of stroke is elevated (9%) within 5 years of the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (mortality 21%), more than double the rate in the general population. From observational registries in a collaborative stroke study in Mexico, we analyzed clinical data, risk factors, and outcome of 1,182 diabetic patients with cerebral ischemia, focusing on elderly subjects. There was a high frequency of hyperglycemia during the acute phase of stroke: the median value was 140 mg/dL and 40% had values higher than 180 mg/dL. Clinical outcome was usually unfavorable in elderly stroke patients with diabetes: case fatality rate was 30% at 30 days and survivors had moderate to severe disability, usually as a consequence of their propensity to develop further systemic medical complications during their hospitalization. nPrimary stroke prevention studies in patients with diabetes reveal that tight glucose control is not associated with decreased stroke risk. Therefore, proper control of other vascular risk factors is mandatory in patients with diabetes; in particular, arterial hypertension.

Palabras clave: Stroke. Diabetes. Elderly. Risk Factors.

2013-07-25   |   553 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 62 Núm.4. Julio-Agosto 2010 Pags. 333-342 Rev Invest Clin 2010; 62(4-ENGLISH)