Answer to the letter “AL amyloidosis: an epidemiological and clinical challenge”

Autores: Ruiz Argüelles Guillermo José, Ruiz Delgado Guillermo J


To the Editor: The interest in our paper and the letter by Jimenez-Zepeda is acknowledged. We feel obliged to make the following statements in response to his comments: Second-generation studies to search for immunoglobulins free light chains (FLC) are currently unavailable in Mexico. We have just reviewed our experience with total light chain measurements and found that its sensitivity is not better than that of serum immunofixation (Zamora-Ortiz G, Velázquez-Sanchez-de-Cima S, Hernández-Reyes J, Ruiz-Argüelles A, Ruiz-Delgado GJ, Ruiz-Argüelles GJ. Is the serum light chain quantification more sensitive than immunofixation in the diagnosis and follow up of patients with multiple myeloma? Submitted). It is obvious that we did not use second generation FLC assays.

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2013-10-11   |   833 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 65 Núm.4. Julio-Agosto 2013 Pags. 359-360 Rev Invest Clin 2013; 65(4)