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Dilian G Georgiev

  • Artículos publicados 24
  • Revistas en las que publica 1
  • Visitas recibidas 8,914
  • Artículos evaluados 0
  • Evaluaciones recibidas 0
  • Calificación promedio
¡Actualice sus datos! Con el objetivo de difundir los datos actualizados de los autores a los pacientes, amigos, alumnos o colegas le invitamos a proporcionar o confirmar al menos su nombre, correo y semblanza
1 Bulgaria Ecologia Balkanica 24 artículos
Materials on the diet of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) in the west Rhodopes Mountain, South Bulgaria 953 visitas
Recent vertebrate animal bones (Animalia: Vertebrata) fron Yubileyna Cave (Rhodopes Mountain, South Bulgaria) 911 visitas
On the substrates used for marking by the Stone Marten (Martes foina Erxl.) at the lowland areas of South Bulgaria 871 visitas
On the communities of freshwater gastropods on aquatic macrophytes in some water basins of southern Bulgaria 831 visitas
Updated information on the habitat distribution and diversity of the freshwater malacofauna of Sarnena Gora Mountain (Bulgaria) 705 visitas
On the Road Mortality of the Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton, 1900) in Bulgaria 544 visitas
The otter (Lutra lutra L.) signs and the banks tree cover: 427 visitas
Preliminary information on the vertebrate fauna (Animalia: Vertebrata) of the NATURA2000 site “Rice Fields Tsalapitsa” (Bulgaria) 415 visitas
Aquatic macrophytes as microhabitats of Radix auricularia (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): A case study from Southeast Bulgaria 309 visitas
Diet of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (Aves: Accipitridae) in Sarnena Sredna Gora mountains (Bulgaria) 304 visitas
Data on the Trophic Spectrum of Young Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809) in South Bulgaria 301 visitas
A Study of the Survival and Oxygen Deficiency at the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Treated with Zinc (Zn) 299 visitas
On the fruit consumption of Eurasian Badger (Meles meles) (Mammalia: Mustelidae) during the autumn season in Sredna Gora Mountains (Bulgaria) 289 visitas
Data on the environmental conditions and diversity of the animal ecological groups in Gargina Dupka Cave 283 visitas
Gastropod Shells from Excavations of the “Antic Forum” Complex in the City Of Plovdiv (Bulgaria): 198 visitas
Assessing the Influence of the Automobile Traffic on the Amphibians and Reptiles in the Buffer Zone of Biosphere Reserve “Srebarna” (NE Bulgaria) 194 visitas
Preliminary data of the shell morphometry of populations of Zebrina detrita (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Bulgaria 189 visitas
New information on the snail fauna of “Sinite Kamani” nature park (Stara Planina Mountains, Bulgaria) 151 visitas
Freshwater Pea Clams Pisidium C. Pfeiffer (Mollusca, Bivalvia) From The Alpine Areas of Bulgaria 142 visitas
Liposcelis meridionalis (Rosen, 1911) (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) – New to the Bulgarian Fauna 129 visitas
The Molluscs of the Medieval Settlement at the Village of Zlatna Livada (Bulgaria) with Notes on the Landscape Dominated the Area 129 visitas
New information on the malacofauna of the catchment area of Rusenski Lom river (North Bulgaria) 116 visitas
Contribution to the Knowledge on the Gastropod Fauna of the Natural Park “Balgarka” (Stara Planina Mts., Bulgaria) 115 visitas
On the Gastropod Species Diversity of the “Izgoryaloto Gyune” Nature Reserve (Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria) 109 visitas
Dilian G Georgiev
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Dilian G Georgiev

Datos de contacto

  • Teléfono:
  • Dirección:University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Biology, Department of Ecology and Environmental Conservation, 24, Tzar Assen Str., BG-4000 Plovdiv, BULGARIA.
  • Correo:diliangeorgiev@abv.bg
  • Sitio Web:
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